Intel Laptop UMPC User Manual

Best Practices  
in Game Design for  
the Ultra-Mobile PC  
by Matt Gillespie, Michael Finkel  
and Victoria Bailey  
Best Practice: Ideally, games designed with the UMPC in mind should use text  
sparingly and consider the UMPC screen size when choosing a font. Likewise,  
icons should not rely heavily on fine details, so different objects are different  
enough to be easily distinguished from one another, even on the smaller UMPC  
screen. In places where increasing text size enough would compromise other  
elements of the game, allowing text size to be adjustable may be a good  
solution, allowing individual players to decide for themselves the ideal size for  
the text.  
2.2 Clickability of Buttons and Other Elements  
Issue: Similar to the issue of small text, buttons and other clickable game  
elements add complexity to porting games to the UMPC. That is, while the  
overall interface on the UMPC must be smaller than the corresponding standard  
PC version, the actual buttons in the UMPC interface must be larger, in order to  
accommodate being accurately clicked by a stylus or finger, rather than the  
more precise mouse that is used in the standard PC version. As shown in Figure  
1, this issue is particularly acute when multiple buttons or other elements are  
clustered together, which makes it more likely that the user will select a  
different element than the one they intend. Even when it is possible to select  
the correct element with some care, this issue can significantly detract from the  
user experience.  
Figure 1. On a 20-inch PC monitor (left), the user can easily identify and select a domino  
using the arrow cursor. When the domino images are scaled to fit on a five-inch UMPC  
screen (right), however, it becomes very difficult for users to select individual dominoes, or  
even to identify how many dots are on each domino.  
Best Practice: As with the size of text and icons, game developers should avoid  
this problem by using large, distinct buttons and other elements. These  
elements should also have enough space between them, making it less likely  
that the user will inadvertently select the wrong one. In those cases where a  
text label appears adjacent to a button or other element, that label should be  
part of the clickable area associated with the element, making it easier to click  
without having to devote any additional space.  
2.3 Game Window Size  
Issue: If game windows use a fixed size, rather than automatically resizing  
themselves to fill the full UMPC screen, parts of the game may not be visible all  
at once, and, in some cases, certain parts may not be reachable at all, as shown  
in Figure 2. This situation is made more complex by the potential for players to  
use the 800x480 or 1024x600 resolution enabled by the UMPC's wide screen,  
since those aspect ratios must be matched to the standard 4:3 aspect ratio  
employed by most PC games.  
Figure 2. On a standard PC (left), the user is able to see the entire play area, including  
informational parts of the player interface. If the game window is cropped to fit the UMPC’s  
smaller size and different aspect ratio (center), part of the game will be hidden, represented  
here by the translucent parts of the screen at the edges. If the game window is scaled to fit  
the UMPC screen (right), all parts of the game can readily be made visible, with a level of  
visual distortion that may be acceptable.  
Best Practice: The key to resolving this issue is for game developers to  
consider the 800x480 and 1024x600 resolutions as they develop game interfaces  
for the UMPC, scaling the entire game window to fit on the screen or rearranging  
the interface to take full advantage of the wide screen area. Certain simple  
accommodations can make games more playable, even in a truncated state. For  
example, providing scrollbars and allowing the window to be resized (manually  
or automatically) may be sufficient in some cases to allow the user access to all  
parts of the screen and to provide an acceptable user experience, particularly  
for browser-based games.  
3 Touch Screen Considerations  
The use of a touch screen instead of a mouse on the UMPC adds another layer of  
complexity to porting games. For most software purposes, the touch screen  
behaves like a mouse, except that instead of registering a linear track of  
movement as the user drags the cursor, it generates a series of button-down  
events with a location each time the user touches the screen. The inability to  
move the cursor without clicking and the relationship between left-clicking and  
right-clicking also causes issues.  
3.1 Accurate Interpretation of Tap-Only Touch Screen Input  
Issue: UMPC games must be able to interpret cursor input provided by the user  
as a series of points (corresponding to a series of touch-screen taps), rather  
than requiring a linear pattern of movement (like that provided by mouse  
movement controlling the cursor). This issue tends to arise particularly often,  
for example, in games that shift the user's perspective so that the cursor is  
always at the center of the screen (which is common in first-person shooters).  
In such a scenario, when the player touches the screen, the cursor may jump  
around the screen erratically, instead of moving to where the user touched.  
Best Practice: If the game tracks movement of the cursor from point A to point  
B, it must be able to interpret a click at point A, followed by a click at point B,  
without the cursor first moving between point A and point B. Requiring an  
external mouse to be plugged into the UMPC will typically correct this problem  
as well, although that solution is clearly sub-optimal from a user-experience  
point of view.  
3.2 Accurate Touch-Screen Mapping  
The touch screen can be mapped incorrectly to the game when the game runs in  
full-screen mode but does not take up exactly the full screen (either not filling  
the entire screen or taking up more than the full screen).  
Issue (Game Resolution Smaller than Physical Screen): When the game  
believes it is operating in full screen mode at a lower resolution than the  
physical screen, the game display may appear centered with space on either  
side (as in the case of a 640x480 window being centered on a 800x480 screen  
or an 800x600 window being centered on a 1024x600 screen, with black bars on  
each side), mismapping may occur between the two, with the entire touch-  
screen surface being mapped to the relatively small display area. That  
mismapping, as shown in Figure 3, results in inappropriate response of the  
interface to user interaction, such as a button's clickable screen area being  
located away from the visual representation of the button.  
Figure 3. If the game window is centered with black  
bars on each side, the game logic that interprets  
screen taps must avoid mapping the entire physical  
screen area to the smaller game window. Such  
incorrect mapping can cause a screen tap at one  
position (represented by the yellow arrow) to be  
interpreted by the game as occurring at a different  
position (represented by the red burst).  
Best Practice: Games can be centered with black bars at the sides without  
causing the touch screen to be mismapped, as long as the mapping logic  
considers the black bars as part of the screen (even though they are not used as  
a part of the game). With this adjustment, touches on the screen map to exactly  
the location touched.  
Issue (Game Resolution Larger than Screen): In those cases where the  
game window takes up more than the full vertical space of the screen, the touch  
screen may be incorrectly mapped vertically instead of horizontally, as shown in  
Figure 4. This scenario typically causes the touch screen to be mapped to the  
whole game window, rather than just to the visible section. Again, clicks do not  
correspond to the area of the game window that the user intends.  
Figure 4. Having part of the game window  
(represented by the translucent area) cropped from  
the physical screen may also result in a screen tap at  
one position (represented by the yellow arrow) being  
interpreted by the game as occurring at a different  
position (represented by the red burst), due to  
mismapping between the different shapes of the game  
window and the physical display.  
Best Practice: Developers should ensure that the operating system maps the  
touch screen exactly to the entire visible portion of the screen (including  
portions not being used by the game), and not including portions of the game  
window that are not visible. Another solution is for developers to natively  
support the 800x480 and 1024x600 screen resolutions as a user-configurable  
option. In some cases, it might be possible for the game to automatically stretch  
the window to fit the full screen, if the resulting dimensional distortion of game  
elements is acceptable.  
3.3 Alternatives to Hover-Over Effects  
Issue: Many games use a hover-over feature that enables the user to position  
the mouse over an object or location in the game (without clicking on it) to  
trigger an informative animation or tooltip. This feature, which is often used to  
provide instructions for novice players, is incompatible with touch screens, since  
a touch screen cannot move the cursor without clicking.  
Best Practice: Since the hover-over feature is not compatible with current  
UMPC hardware, developers should choose alternative events to trigger the  
animation or tooltip. For example, it could be triggered when the player reaches  
the part of game play when the subject of the animation or tooltip becomes  
relevant. Another possibility is to design the interface with a means of  
temporarily interpreting click events as mouse over events, such as a button  
that can be held down to allow touches on the touch screen to move the cursor  
without registering a click.  
3.4 Accommodating Right-Click Functionality  
Issue: On a typical UMPC touch-screen, users perform right-clicks by holding  
down the click on the screen for a longer time than for a left-click, which can  
cause users to inadvertently left-click when they mean to right-click. Moreover,  
it is impossible to perform a left-click and right-click simultaneously.  
Best Practice: Developers should provide alternative user interactions to  
replace right-click functionality, such as using double-clicks or clickable controls  
on the screen that take place of right-clicking. Alternatively, game developers  
can simply require the use of an external mouse or other pointing device,  
although that requirement may detract from the user experience.  
4 Form Factor Considerations  
A number of issues relate directly to hardware differences in the UMPC form  
factor, relative to standard PCs. For example, unlike a PC, a UMPC may have a  
touch screen, joystick, user-programmable buttons, and dedicated buttons such  
as a menu button, but it will typically not have a keyboard or CD-ROM drive.  
Although it may be possible to add a keyboard, CD-ROM drive, or other  
peripheral devices, doing so reduces the portability of the UMPC. Moreover,  
different models of UMPCs may have different elements included in their  
designs, which causes the limitations associated with the form factor to vary by  
device. That variability typically requires developers to focus on the lowest  
common denominator of hardware features when designing games, in terms of  
core requirements.  
4.1 CD-ROM Drive  
Issue: CDs are currently the most popular method for distributing games. In  
addition to being installed from a CD, the disk is often required as a means of  
verifying ownership of the game, as an anti-theft measure, or to dynamically  
load content from the CD as it is needed, such as video sequence. Because  
UMPCs typically do not have integrated CD-ROM drives, this modality requires  
the use of an external drive, which hampers the portability of the UMPC.  
Further, users may not even own an external CD drive. Notably, this issue has  
no impact on web-hosted, browser-based games.  
Best Practice: Making games able to be downloaded and installed via the  
Internet is an ideal alternative to CDs for UMPC games. This distribution model  
is already in widespread use, and developers should consider the emergence of  
UMPCs as a further impetus to expand upon it. They should also consider using  
certificates or other software-based means to verify ownership, rather than  
requiring the physical presence of the CD. Rather than dynamically loading video  
and other content from the CD as it is needed during game play, developers  
should consider providing the option for that content to be hosted on the UMPC's  
hard drive.  
4.2 Limiting the Need for Diverse Command Inputs  
Issue: The UMPC form factor provides for a limited number of inputs, relative to  
the full keyboard and mouse available from a standard PC. Even those games  
that are designed to be run on a PC using a joystick may require the use of  
multiple buttons that are included on a typical joystick controller, which may not  
be available from the UMPC. UMPCs also have issues with games that  
incorporate keyboard shortcuts as a key game play component. Notably, games  
that are primarily mouse-driven are not affected by form-factor limitations in  
this area.  
Best Practice: Developers can address limited input options on the UMPC by  
decreasing the number of commands that are actually required to play the  
game, as opposed to being optional conveniences such as shortcuts for menu  
options. A somewhat more flexible solution, however, is to create buttons on the  
screen. Particularly if the buttons are context-sensitive, appearing only when  
they are relevant, this can provide an open-ended solution for input  
4.3 Addressing Keyboard Requirements  
Issue: In addition to issuing commands, many games also use the keyboard for  
input such as naming characters, creating profiles, saving games, or supporting  
a chat feature for online games. It is common for games to require a keyboard,  
for example, to enter a profile name at the beginning of a gaming session but  
not to require the use of a keyboard at any other time during the session. Some  
games also require players to use the keyboard to name their saved games. In  
many cases, the on-screen keyboard will not run on top of the game interface,  
so it cannot resolve these issues.  
Best Practice: Developers should either design games explicitly not to conflict  
with the onscreen keyboard (e.g., by not defaulting to full-screen mode) or  
provide an on-screen keyboard within the interface itself that appears only when  
needed. One simple means of minimizing the need for keyboard input is to  
provide default values for text strings such as profile names, saved game  
names, etc. and to allow them to be selected using screen-tap input. Additional  
values for these text strings can also be provided by adding an interface button  
that randomly selects a new value from a list of character names created by the  
developer. Saved games can also be identified using a screen capture of where  
the player left off, together with a date and time stamp. Since chat features are  
very rarely a core aspect of game play, they can generally be disabled on the  
UMPC without negatively impacting the user experience.  
5 Conclusion  
Game developers and architects providing support for the UMPC platform in  
mainstream game offerings can develop a discrete set of design considerations  
that address common issues that arise during the development process. The  
best practices described in this document provide a foundation for that effort.  
Because Windows-based UMPCs run a full version of the operating system, it  
typically requires less effort to provide this support than a full port to a  
separate operating environment. Thus, an incremental effort may expand a  
game's market to include the expanding deployment of the UMPC platform,  
providing a competitive advantage to the game software provider.  
6 Additional Resources  
Game developers and architects who are considering how best to integrate the  
needs of the UMPC platform into their offerings will benefit from the following  
developer information related to all things mobile, including technical  
documentation, SDKs, forums, knowledgebases, and blogs.  
Intel's UMPC Platform site introduces the platform and the possibilities it  
engenders for the developer and user communities.  
UMPC Community provides information on devices, applications, and  
usage models, as well as hosting discussion forums for users and  
UMPC Buzz links to news items, blogs, forums, and software downloads  
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